
Rollup ECO
Rollup ECO quantity
size 1 – 6 7 – 24 25 – 60 60+
Blockout Baner 44g/m2
60×200 €30 €28 €27 tel.
85×200 €36 €34 €32 tel.
Ferrari 500g/m2 or Poliester 240mic
60×200 €35 €32 €31 tel.
85×200 €41 €38 €36 tel.
Rollup Standard
Rollup Standard quantity
size 1 – 6 7 – 24 25 – 60 60+
Ferrari 500g/m2 or Poliester 240mic
85×200 €50 €49 €47 tel.
100×200 €57 €55 €52 tel.
150×200 €77 €76 €74 tel.
Rollup Classic
Rollup Classic quantity
size 1 – 6 7 – 24 25 – 60 60+
Ferrari 500g/m2 or Poliester 240mic
85×200 €77 €71 €66 tel.
100×200 €79 €74 €69 tel.
120×200 €83 €79 €75 tel.
150×200 €100 €96 €91 tel.
200×200 tel. tel. tel. tel.
220×200 tel. tel. tel. tel.
250×200 tel. tel. tel. tel.
Rollup PREMIUM quantity
size 1 – 6 7 – 24 25 – 60 60 +
Ferrari 500g/m2 or Poliester 240mic
60×215 €80 tel. tel. tel.
85×215 €89 tel. tel. tel.
100×215 €99 tel. tel. tel.
120×215 €109 tel. tel. tel.
150×215 €125 tel. tel. tel.
Rollup Double
Rollup Double quantity
size 1 – 6 7 – 24 25 – 60 60 +
Ferrari 500g/m2 or Poliester 240mic
85×200 €86 €84 €82 tel.
100×200 €100 €98 €96 tel.
We also sell systems without print / only cassettes / at attractive prices. Only in boxes of 6 units. We have stable stock on popular cassettes – e.g. 85 and 100 cm, always more than a few hundred pieces.

We attend on business entities only.
All prices are net and do not include VAT.
The offered price is for information purposes, it does not constitute an offer within the meaning of Art.66 par.1 Civil Code and does not reflect current inventory balance.